
Wednesday, April 1, 2020


She had been tracking the deer. Her parents had taught her how.

One hour before, finding the hoof prints in the soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the slightest sound, she remained undetected.

She had stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest and watched as the deer approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the first circle and vanished. Completely vanished.

The girl let out a gasp and walked towards the circles to investigate…she soon then stepped inside the circle which had teleported her to a stranded island, she was confused “where had the deer gone” thought Alice then she heard the slightest footsteps.

“HELLO!” she shouted, “WHOEVER YOU ARE SHOW YOURSELVES!” then a boy appeared about the same age but slightly older than Alice, Alice said “oh hello I didn’t mean to shout but what’s your name?”, The boy replied confidently “Levi, what’s yours?”, “Alice!, nice to meet you” Alice answered with a big smile on her face. After introducing each other they shook each other’s hands and asked each other “how did you get here?”Alice said “ok I will answer first, so basically I followed a deer and the deer led me here but the strange thing is the deer isn’t here…...ok so that's how I got here how did you get here?” Levi answered “SAME!, I mean by I also followed a deer and that's how I got here”.

After a lot of talking they fell asleep on a patch of grass……
“Yawn” Alice yawned as she woke up from a nice sleep, “Good Morning,” Levi said as he was catching a lot of big fish for breakfast, Alice was surprised and asked, “How did you learn how to fish!?” Levi answered “My dad taught me well before I got stuck here”, “ohhhhhh” Alice replied.

After eating the fish….
“WOW!, that was so delicious thanks for cooking Levi,” Alice said surprisingly, “Your welcome!” Levi said with a smile on his face, “Wanna go exploring?” Levi asked Alice answered “Of course!” so off they went exploring until they found the weird-looking circles again! They went inside the circle but first, they had to say goodbye to each other “we will see again soon best friend” Alice said walking inside the circle but as she went inside she realized that she was not going anywhere and that is because she wasn’t going in the circle as she thought! Because the circle was on the other side, Levi and Alice Laughed their nose out and after, she went in the circle saying “bye”, Levi followed next.

Now they are home they never saw each other again but their friendship remained. 


  1. Wow, Alyanna. This is such a nice story you have crafted on the picture. You have a very good imagination. I really like the way you have developed this story and have caught on the readers attention. I do hope you will continue writing like this. I suggest that you edit your work one more time before publishing it. Keep up with your very good work.

  2. Good work alyanna


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