Today I learned how to use Pigpen Cipher. In the instructions I was told to create a cipher clue of my favourite beach. This activity was challenging to learn but super fun to do.
Can you figure out my favourite beach?I am a Year 7 learner at Glenbrae Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 10. My teacher is Mr Nath.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Cross Country Run
"Year 6 GO!" Mrs. Tofa shouted all of the year 6 including me ran like lighting, all of us were very competitive.
The year 6s ran around the field then we ran down a slope from the field to the seniors court. We ran past the hall and ran out of the gate, all of us were tired, we were puffing and huffing like crazy but none of us stopped, some of us were slowing down, some started to walk and some kept on sprinting.
The year 6, 4, 5, and other grades followed the path then we took a right to Leybourne Reserves, after a while, we had to go up a few steps, my legs felt light and heavy at the same time maybe it is because I am tired or I lack energy? Still, I kept running with the other, after a while I finally got back in the school I ran behind the school hall with some other students and ran around the field, I reached the Pegola and layed down on the grass, Mrs. Tofa drew a 6 and 2 on my right hand and said "Your second place good job!"
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Monday, September 14, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Matilda's Summary Chapter 2
Matilda’s Father, Mr. Harry Wormwood was a short man with a short mustache, he was described as a short ratty man with enormous teeth underneath his super-thin, ratty mustache.
Matilda’s mother, Mrs. Wormwood on the other hand was quite the opposite of Mr. Wormwood. She was a large woman with light blond hair, who wore very heavy makeup and clothes that looked too tight to even fit anyone.
Mr. Wormwood was a car dealer, He fits into the stereotype of what a car dealer is because he uses very dishonest ways, he would sell a car that no one would want if they knew the variety(truth), for example, he would use sawdust to make the car temporarily run smoother, another thing he would do is he would rewind the speedometer to 150,000 miles so it would look as if it wasn’t 10,000 miles.
As Mr. Wormwood declared, “Every single car that comes through my hands gets the treatment...They all have their length cut to under ten thou before they're offered for sale.”
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Fitness recount
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Friday, July 24, 2020
Positive feelings
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020
Friday, June 19, 2020
Turning Old into New- Earth's Overshoot day
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Information writing
COVID-19 is a deadly virus that spreads through coughing and sneezing.
A 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China may have been the first person to have contracted COVID-19.
That's more than a month earlier than doctors noted cases in Wuhan, China, which is in Hubei province, at the end of December 2019. At the time, authorities suspected the virus stemmed from something sold at a wet market in the city. (The first case was on November 17, 2019.)
COVID-19 has now spread over the world and infected millions of people.
New Zealand has 14 deaths, 1,107 infected and 1,006 people recovered from COVID-19.
The people that are infected with COVID-19 and the people that died from COVID-19 are very sad because their families are not able to visit them in the hospital.
COVID-19 also made people lose their jobs and it is a very hard time to lose a job because the money you earn from your job will go to the supplies that you need to prepare for COVID-19.
COVID-19 is very scary and we all hope this will go away soon but while this toxic virus is still here we should all stay safe and stay home.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Monday, April 6, 2020
Mothers of Dragons Fiction Writing
She had brought the dragon far away from her village; away from the people who would hurt it and take it away from her. As she held it in her hands, feeling its claws affectionately digging into her fingers through her gloves, Zoya knew exactly what she had to do. What they had to do. Together.
The dragon gazed at her. She could see the flames burning within its eyes. It was dependent on her, as a new-born child is to its mother. And yet, strangely, she felt dependent upon the dragon as well; dependent upon what it was and what it would become in time.
They would become inseparable. Their futures were entwined. Their adventures were only just beginning……
A year later…… “Good Job, Kereth” shouted Zoya, Kereth from high up in the air growled happily at Zoya.
“LOUD BANG!”, “Huh?...” Zoya looked around in confusion, Kereth flew down and also looked around in confusion then he flew back up and saw a massive black and blue dragon.
Zoya saw him shocked and leaped on his back, Kereth flew Zoya up to see what he saw Zoya was in shock, she could not believe what she was seeing but she knew she had to do SOMETHING! and fast because the massive dragon was heading to her previous town THE TOWN SHE GREW UP IN!
She was so scared because if the village had been destroyed all her memories would have been destroyed too. she had no time to waste so she flew Kereth right in front of the dragon and saw the dragon was in danger because someone had hit it with a knife, she(the Dragon) was bleeding so Zoya tried to help by quickly flying down to her house and get some bandages then she flew with Kereth back to the massive dragon but as she was flying she noticed that it was a girl so she said “Hey Girl, I just going to take the knife out ok”, it was hard to take the knife out especially through that thick skin, Zoya kept talking to the Dragon and eventually named her Maddie.
Maddie was about to fly back to her nest when another MASSIVE dragon came her way the dragon was not hurt but it was aggressive and not familiar with humans or other dragons then massive dragon bit Madie on the wing, Maddie could still fly but she was dizzy and can’t even walk straight, Kereth knew he had no chance against the big dragon, well not alone Kereth called his other friends about ten of his friends, his friends were the same size as Maddie but Madie was a bit bigger, Kereth and his friends all worked together to defeat the massive dragon, Kereth’s best friend was yellow and silver, Kereth and his best friend Steve was breathing fire at the massive dragon’s face and Kereth’s other friends were focusing on the wings.
It was really hard to defeat the massive dragon because of it’s thick skin and it was mostly hard because the massive dragon was a lot stronger than Kereth and his friends but when they finally found it’s weak spot they were able to defeat it!
The massive dragon now stays at a dragon dungeon which was built by Kereth and his friends.
The adventure doesn't end there my friends it is only the beginning……..
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
One hour before, finding the hoof prints in the soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the slightest sound, she remained undetected.
She had stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest and watched as the deer approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the first circle and vanished. Completely vanished.
The girl let out a gasp and walked towards the circles to investigate…she soon then stepped inside the circle which had teleported her to a stranded island, she was confused “where had the deer gone” thought Alice then she heard the slightest footsteps.
“HELLO!” she shouted, “WHOEVER YOU ARE SHOW YOURSELVES!” then a boy appeared about the same age but slightly older than Alice, Alice said “oh hello I didn’t mean to shout but what’s your name?”, The boy replied confidently “Levi, what’s yours?”, “Alice!, nice to meet you” Alice answered with a big smile on her face. After introducing each other they shook each other’s hands and asked each other “how did you get here?”Alice said “ok I will answer first, so basically I followed a deer and the deer led me here but the strange thing is the deer isn’t here…...ok so that's how I got here how did you get here?” Levi answered “SAME!, I mean by I also followed a deer and that's how I got here”.
After a lot of talking they fell asleep on a patch of grass……
“Yawn” Alice yawned as she woke up from a nice sleep, “Good Morning,” Levi said as he was catching a lot of big fish for breakfast, Alice was surprised and asked, “How did you learn how to fish!?” Levi answered “My dad taught me well before I got stuck here”, “ohhhhhh” Alice replied.
After eating the fish….
“WOW!, that was so delicious thanks for cooking Levi,” Alice said surprisingly, “Your welcome!” Levi said with a smile on his face, “Wanna go exploring?” Levi asked Alice answered “Of course!” so off they went exploring until they found the weird-looking circles again! They went inside the circle but first, they had to say goodbye to each other “we will see again soon best friend” Alice said walking inside the circle but as she went inside she realized that she was not going anywhere and that is because she wasn’t going in the circle as she thought! Because the circle was on the other side, Levi and Alice Laughed their nose out and after, she went in the circle saying “bye”, Levi followed next.
Now they are home they never saw each other again but their friendship remained.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Independent Maths
Ms. Smith bought 125 water balloons for the Water Fun Day and Ms. Kyee bought 52. How many water balloons did Ms. Smith and Ms. Kyee buy altogether?
125 The First thing I did was add 5 and the 2 which added up to 7 and I did that to the other 5
+52 and 2 it also added up to 7 then I put 1 down and the 7s which equaled up to 177!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Monday, February 17, 2020
Maths Problem
So we had to figure out how much Miss Smith and Miss Kyee brought together.
So Miss Smith brought 85 water balloons and Miss Kyee brought 52 balloons.
So we added the 10’s first 80 + 50 and it added up to 130 and then we added the 1s 5 + 2= 7 after that we added up our answers and we got 137.
80 + 50= 130
5 + 2= 7
130 + 7= 137