Two snowmen were made by two little girls.
The snowmens are in love!
After one night the snowmen had left with no trace and the female snowmen was very sad.
One of the little girls opened the blinds and saw there was only one snowmen!
It turns out he has left but does he have a reason?
He walked on a snowy path and saw snow on hills that were bound to fall.
Then the snowman was in the middle of a sheep farm!, he was scared.
After walking not knowing what direction he was going, he stumbled upon a forest. Later he was in a strong blizzard, he was decisive to get what he wanted for someone or himself.
Suddenly he got wet from a river nearby, he looked sad!, but a bird helped him cheer up now he was determined.
He climbed mountains and looked at amazing views but the most beautiful view of all, of the day is the night in the city.
He came back the next day and brought the female snowmen a new scarf, hat and gloves.
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