
Monday, February 22, 2021

kawa Of Care

This week we have been learning about Kawa Of Care 

Sunday, February 21, 2021



Saturday, February 20, 2021

Week 1 in school

 I ran to school excited to meet my friends, on Tuesday 2nd of February, as I ran through the school gates I saw my friends standing in front of the office, “HII!!” I shouted and they said “HII!” back. After having a chat with my friends the school bell rang and we all went to our old classrooms, I and my friends were in room 10 so we walked to room 10 together, after going to room 10 we went to the hall because of the school assembly in the school assembly the teachers introduced all of us to the new students and the new teachers, I and my friends were so excited to meet the new students and teachers. 

While we were doing tasks on a Wednesday morning, we heard an announcement through the speaker, it announced that the people that signed their name for road patrol had to go to room 6, I went to room 6 with my friends who signed up for road patrol and we all had our day and time to be on-road patrol announced in room 6. After lunch when it was almost home time some of us swam, but some of us didn’t because some forgot their togs or some students' parents wrote a letter for their swimming telling the teachers they can’t swim and some students can only swim some days. 

“Yay I am so excited to go swimming!” I said to my friends on Thursday, we changed to our swimming togs in the changing room and hopped in the pool, the pool was cold but VERY refreshing, an instructor was teaching us how to swim, she was very nice and friendly, she taught us to how to do the sculling, how to make waves and she also taught us how to float on our backs. She was really fun.

“RIING!” After interval on a Friday afternoon, we did some SSR then we learned about the Tiriti O Waitangi, it was so fun to learn about the Tiriti O Waitangi, after reading the Tiriti O Waitangi we answered some questions about The Tiriti O Waitangi.  

Kawa of Care

This week we have been learning how to look after our chromebooks. This is my DLO on Kawa Of Care  

Friday, February 19, 2021

My Pepeha

This week we introduced ourselves in Te Reo 


Friday, February 12, 2021


 This week we are learning to write a haiku about Summer. 


 This week we have been learning to write a haiku.