
Friday, December 3, 2021

Haka (PWC Challenge 06)

 This week my class has been doing PWC challenges, this is challenge 06. This Toitoi story is called Haka. It is about a Haka performance, the author described a lots of things about the Haka performance like how the voices boomed, eyes flared like hot chillies and when the dance was finished she/he looked up to the nice sky to see his/her ancestors.   


Art by: Carla Marquand

Words by: Rudy Smart

The Virtual World (PWC Challenge 05)

This week in class we have been doing PWC challenges, I am now doing challenge 05. This Toitoi story is called The Virtual World.  It is about someone playing a game, and their super close on defeating the ender dragon  when suddenly his/her mum calls him/her down for dinner. 

Words:Jeppe Weisbach 
Art: Jordan huh                                                     

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Lamb Roast (PWC Challenge 04)

 This week in class we have been doing PWC challenges I am doing challenge 04. The Toitoi story is called Lamb roast and is about someone making a delicious lamb roast showered in mint sauce with a blob of mint jelly. 

Lamb Roast

Author: Taylor Grimstone 

Illustrator: Vanisha Patel

Summer (Calligram Poem)

 This week my class did some Calligram poems, here is my Calligram poem about summer. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Bones (PWC Challenge 03)

 This week in class we have been doing PWC challenges, I am now doing challenge 3. This Toitoi story is called Bones, it is about dead sheep bones in a pond.   

Author: Rebecca Richards  Bones

Illustrator: Jasmine Lee

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My Cat, Bitey (PWC Challenge 02)

This week my class did some PWC challenges, this is challenge 02. This Toitoi story is about someone's cat named Bitey. This story was written in poem form and the author informed us about his/her cat Bitey who lived with his/her grandma in russia. 

Author: Nikol Sudareva          Illustrator:  Georgia Simpson

Monday, November 29, 2021

Tornado (PWC Challenge 01)

 This week my class did some PWC challenges, we will need to complete 9 challenges and this is the first challenge. This Toitoi story is about a tornado as you can see from the photo. In this story they described the Tornado in a poem. =) 

Author: Keelan Marr

Illustrator: Leo McLachlan

Friday, November 26, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


This week we are learning probability for maths, this is my presentation explaining and showing how we solve probability. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Microbit Flashing Heart

This week for Tech we did Microbit Flashing Hearts, here is my DLO on my Microbit Flashing Heart. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

My lock down Essentials


This week for cybersmart, we had to make a poster on our lock down essentials. Here is my poster, I did the little forest picture because I like to jog around with my family, I put the anime picture because I like to watch anime, the netflix is for watching movies with my family, I like to exercise and play with my sibling.  

Secret Garden

Saturday, September 4, 2021


This week for Tech we learnt all about Algorithms. An Algorithm is a process, like when baking a cake you need ingredients, that is the input, the algorithm is recipe and the output is the cake. Here is my examples of Algorithms. 

3D Art

Friday, August 27, 2021


 This week we did our reflection for Tech, we talked about our project and how many designs we made. This is my reflection for tech. 


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Cybersmart - Story Board

 This week we did a Story Board for Cybersmart, here is my Story Board. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

What is a plant

 What is a Plant?

Plants are living organisms. It comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors but they all have something in common, all plants require air, water, nutrients, and sunlight. 

Plants cover about 30% percent of our planet. Plants produce oxygen in the air we breathe and also help animals stay alive. Every Grass, Flower, Tree, Bush, Fern, or even moss is a plant. Plants have a cell wall because plants such as trees don't have a skeleton therefore it uses a cell wall to keep it sturdy and the cell wall helps it to stand. 

Plants are prey to herbivores, an animal that only eats plants. Plants produce their food using Photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create energy and oxygen in the form of sugar.

Plants scatter the seeds they produce because if the seeds grow closely together they have to compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water from the soil. 

Plants have all kinds of techniques to spread their seeds around. Some plants with fruits depend on birds and animals because after the birds or any other animals eat the fruit they throw out the seeds and the seeds scatter, some plants are designed to explode to disperse their seeds, these plants are called, Violet, Poisonous squirting cucumbers, Touch-me-nots, and Impatiens capensis. Touch-me-nots have a very effective way of dispersing their seeds, Touch-me-nots burst and use a forceful ejection that sends the seeds flying a far distance from the original plant.   

On land or in sea plants play a very critical part in the continuance of life on our planet Earth.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Financial literacy - Price Waterhouse Cooper - Thank you letter

 Aleisha, Tom, and Rochelle came in today to teach us all about money and how to save up in case of emergencies.

Aleisha, Tom, and Rochelle had lots of fun games that include how to save money and how to spend it wisely, The first game we played was 1 false, 2 truth, it was very fun playing 1 false 2 truths because they asked us questions like did people use dog teeth as money?

We enjoyed the games they taught us and we also enjoyed it when they taught us about money, I hope they come back again with lots of new games. 

Thank you PWC and thank you Aleisha, Tom, and Rochelle for spending your time with us. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Statistics - Maths

     Today we have been learning about stem and leaf graph. after working with our teacher, we created a stem and leaf graph. Here is an example of what we did 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Quality Blog Post - Cybersmart challenge

 This week we did our Cybersmart challenge about quality blog post, this is my poster on Quality blog post. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ethnic makeup of Room 10

 This week for maths we learnt how to make a tally chart. Here is the Tally chart room 10 did all together. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

My digital Footprint - Cybersmart

This week for cybersmart we did our digital footprint, here is my digital footprint on google draw.


What we share - Cybersmart Challenge

This week for cybersmart challenge we learnt about what we share.


Cybersmart Challenge - Ko wai au?

This week for cybersmart we did our blog profiles in a google draw here is my blog profile. 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Food Labels - Tech

Fire Fast food

 This week we learnt about fire fast food, here is my and my friends presentation about fire fast food.

Should The School Ban Unhealthy Food - Persuasive writing

Wednesday 26.05.21

Topic: Should The School Ban Unhealthy Food?

It would be crazy to ban unhealthy food in school. Though we want to eat unhealthy food, we know that we only eat unhealthy food on special occasions. 

Firstly, if our school bans unhealthy food then there is still no point in banning “why?” you ask well because students will just sneak the unhealthy food in class or eat it during morning tea and lunch. Also, teachers/principals use unhealthy food for fundraisers. So how can we prevent that??? 

Well we students still need to treat ourselves to something we love and that is “FOOD”, so if teachers give us treats like fish n chips that can fill us up then students won’t have to sneak unhealthy food during class and playtime. 

Furthermore, we asked others from our school questions, we asked our friends, teachers, and family if unhealthy food should be banned. We asked several people and mostly they said “No”. Except for the other teacher in our class. We respect all answers but we don’t agree that unhealthy food should be banned. 

In addition to that our class say’s “No, we shouldn’t ban unhealthy food”. If we ban unhealthy food then when we celebrate our birthdays or our success we’ll have vegetables for rewards and fundraisers we’ll have vegetables. Plus we students still need to treat themselves!! So stuff what your teacher says and eat junk! (but only a little) because it's your school too!!!

In conclusion, we say no to banning unhealthy food “why?” because we are allowed to! In the same way, we need it, we want it as a reward when we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing and when we’re doing the right thing! 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Up Holding Other Well-being

This week room 10 has been learning about up holding others well-being.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Alyanna's Goal For Term 2

 This week room 10 wrote their goals for term 2 in Google Drawings. This is my goals for term 2.  

Monday, April 26, 2021

Measurements- Perimeter and Area

This school term we learnt about Measurements - Perimeter and Area, Here is the homework I did about Perimeter and Area. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Boat Animation

This week for Cybersmart we learnt how to make a boat animation.

Friday, March 26, 2021


This week for Cybersmart challenge we had to draw a fish using shapes and tools in google drawing. This activity was super fun! 


Thursday, March 25, 2021


This week for reading we have been learning about Diversity.



Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021


Last week on Friday the year 7 & 8 went to Tech, We ( year 7) learnt about Meniscus, this is mine and my friends google draw about what we did in tech. 


Tech Front page cover

This week friday the year 7 & 8 went to tech, this is my Tech front page cover 


A Brief History Of New Zealand

This week we have been learning about the history of New Zealand.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Writing Complex and Compound Sentences

This week we have been learning to write complex sentences 


Monday, February 22, 2021

kawa Of Care

This week we have been learning about Kawa Of Care 

Sunday, February 21, 2021



Saturday, February 20, 2021

Week 1 in school

 I ran to school excited to meet my friends, on Tuesday 2nd of February, as I ran through the school gates I saw my friends standing in front of the office, “HII!!” I shouted and they said “HII!” back. After having a chat with my friends the school bell rang and we all went to our old classrooms, I and my friends were in room 10 so we walked to room 10 together, after going to room 10 we went to the hall because of the school assembly in the school assembly the teachers introduced all of us to the new students and the new teachers, I and my friends were so excited to meet the new students and teachers. 

While we were doing tasks on a Wednesday morning, we heard an announcement through the speaker, it announced that the people that signed their name for road patrol had to go to room 6, I went to room 6 with my friends who signed up for road patrol and we all had our day and time to be on-road patrol announced in room 6. After lunch when it was almost home time some of us swam, but some of us didn’t because some forgot their togs or some students' parents wrote a letter for their swimming telling the teachers they can’t swim and some students can only swim some days. 

“Yay I am so excited to go swimming!” I said to my friends on Thursday, we changed to our swimming togs in the changing room and hopped in the pool, the pool was cold but VERY refreshing, an instructor was teaching us how to swim, she was very nice and friendly, she taught us to how to do the sculling, how to make waves and she also taught us how to float on our backs. She was really fun.

“RIING!” After interval on a Friday afternoon, we did some SSR then we learned about the Tiriti O Waitangi, it was so fun to learn about the Tiriti O Waitangi, after reading the Tiriti O Waitangi we answered some questions about The Tiriti O Waitangi.  

Kawa of Care

This week we have been learning how to look after our chromebooks. This is my DLO on Kawa Of Care  

Friday, February 19, 2021

My Pepeha

This week we introduced ourselves in Te Reo 


Friday, February 12, 2021


 This week we are learning to write a haiku about Summer. 


 This week we have been learning to write a haiku.