
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Spring cinquain poem


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cross Country Run

 "Year 6 GO!" Mrs. Tofa shouted all of the year 6 including me ran like lighting, all of us were very competitive. 

The year 6s ran around the field then we ran down a slope from the field to the seniors court. We ran past the hall and ran out of the gate, all of us were tired, we were puffing and huffing like crazy but none of us stopped, some of us were slowing down, some started to walk and some kept on sprinting. 

The year 6, 4, 5, and other grades followed the path then we took a right to Leybourne Reserves, after a while, we had to go up a few steps, my legs felt light and heavy at the same time maybe it is because I am tired or I lack energy? Still, I kept running with the other, after a while I finally got back in the school I ran behind the school hall with some other students and ran around the field, I reached the Pegola and layed down on the grass, Mrs. Tofa drew a 6 and 2 on my right hand and said "Your second place good job!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020