
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Weekend Recount


I woke up in excitement. “It’s time for breakfast” Dad shouted as Mum went out of the door to go to work. I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast…
“What should I wear today” I asked myself. I quickly changed and went to do my homework because we had to pass it on Monday which it is Sunday.

Hours went by and it’s already 9:30...

I called my best friend named Cloydene and we played Roblox together while calling each other. My sister joined us too and we all played Pizza Tycoon. Then i stopped playing so my sister can play on the computer which I was playing on. Then I continued my homework. My Mum came home and she said to eat dinner and sleep because it’s 9:30, so we did.
Image result for roblox

Monday, May 27, 2019

Being safe on the internet

In class we have been learning about being safe on the internet

Friday, May 24, 2019

Narrative Writing(The Beast)

In the distance I could see a tall creature walking through a shadowy  forest. I couldn’t see it much because I had to hide behind a fat tall tree that can cover me, it looked like it was holding something that I wouldn’t want to see like a skinless racoon.

I tried to run away but as I stepped, a branch cracked right under my foot,the beast heard the branch cracked.
I had to hide under two trees that were curved together forming a cave.

After a few minutes I had to start running again but suddenly I got hungry so I made  fire with stones and sticks to keep myself warm, I also had to hunt fishes in the river to eat for the night, so I can survive.

At midnight...

Running through the dark forest to get away from the beast, “What is that” Hunter whispered to himself in confusion.

It was golden door with a gem on top.
He wondered “What is that?”. He tried pulling it out but suddenly everything collapsed, he ran as fast as he can.

Then he got teleported out of nowhere to earth. There he was on earth, he buried the gem somewhere no one will find and he didn’t dare touching in a million years.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Keeping Safe

In class we have been learning about safety  

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Confident me

This week in my class we learned about being confident.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Feeling words

In class, we have been learning about feelings. Here are some feelings in English and Maori. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sailing Recount

On early Thursday we went sailing.

Before we had to go sailing we had to wake up before 8:00 because we weren’t allowed to be late.

Some of the students were almost late, lucky they made it on time before the bus came.

When the bus came, of we went to Okahu Bay.

We needed wetsuits so we won’t get that wet and we also needed a partner to go to sailing.

First thing we did was sail to the end of the bay which was a road I didn’t really understand the name of the road but it was so fun sailing.

My friend and I who went on a sailboat together were struggling a little bit then after a few minutes we got the hang of it. 

We had to follow John and Justin who were the instructors and they were on a speed boat which can fit four students and more.

At the end after lunch we went to go sailing again and we had to jump out of our sail boat and swim in the water it was fun and also scary but John was looking after the area I was in meanwhile Justine was looking in the other area.

It was so fun and I wanted to stay a little more but we had to go back to school. We received certificates and a sticker it was a super exciting and I liked the part where we had to swim in the ocean.

                                  THANK YOU SAILING…HAVE A GO PROGRAM
Image result for sailing...have a go kids

My Weekend Recount

“Morning” my mom said to me and my sister, “I’m going to work now”. She went down stairs but before she went down we greeted her “Happy Mother’s Day!!”. She turned around and smiled. She hugged us and said “thank you”.

Then my dad woke up and my mom said “ go change for church”.
After getting changed me and my sister went down and ate breakfast.

My dad went down after us and ate breakfast, after we all ate dad drove to church. Apparently my mom couldn’t come to church because she had work.

After church we went to Sylvia Park to buy a present for my mom.
And surprisingly we took forever, well not forever just a couple of hours.

After an hour or so we drove back home and we ate our lunch. I went upstairs to my room and started decorating the card and I also tried finding a hiding spot so my mom couldn’t see it so easily. 

Hours went by and finally my mom was home she went to her room and in her room is where me and my sister gave her the flowers and card, she whispered “thank you”  to me and my sister she hugged us.

We all went downstairs and she cooked dinner and it was delicious. It was also fun shopping for my mom’s present and she was so happy when we gave her the present, it was a really fun day and we all had fun. 

Image result for flowers


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

My Weekend Recount


I fell out of bed this saturday. It was early in the morning.

“Get ready!!” my mom shouted.

In my head I had no idea what she was talking about until I remembered about the music lessons.

I went running back to my room to wake my sister up, we got ready together and hurried down stairs.

When we got down we ate breakfast really quickly.

Then after we ate our breakfast our mom drove us to Tamaki Primary School for the music lessons.

After like 30 minutes my mom came to pick us up. We all went home.

When my mom was cooking for us, my sister asked if we can go to the park and she said ‘yes’.

It was a lot of fun and it was super tiring too.

We went home and ate our delicious dinner and went to sleep.

Friday, May 3, 2019


This week in my class room we learnt about ANZAC day and how important it is.